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Prevention in Churches
PI: Latkin, Carl
Funder: NIDA through Short-term Investigator Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-related Research (3R01DA031030-02S2)
Designed to better understand the influence, if any, of churches on HIV risk and protective behaviors among young adult Black men who have sex with men (YBMSM)
Study of Faith-Based Youth Workers’ Influence on Adolescent Sexual Health and Decision-Making
PI: Blum, Robert; Hickman, Debra
Funder: NIMHD (5R21MD005993-02)
Contribute to the development of more effective sexual and reproductive health promoting strategies engaging those within the faith community who most directly work with young people
Engaging Faith Leaders in Adolescent HIV and Substance Use Prevention
PI: Strobino, Donna (MCHB); Powell, Terrinieka (Pilot Project)
Funder: MCHB through the Johns Hopkins Center of Excellence in MCH (R25MH080665)
Determine how to increase the adoption of adolescent HIV and substance use prevention services and programs in Black churches

Connecting Behavioral Science to COVID-19 Vaccine Demand (CBS-CVD) Network
PI: Mendelson, Tamar & Powell, Terrinieka
Community Partners: Hip Hop Public Health and HeartSmiles
Funder: CDC
Increase vaccine confidence and uptake among Black families in Baltimore.
XX-Factors: Reengaging Female Opportunity Youth
PI: Powell, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Youth Opportunity (YO!) Baltimore
Funder: Bloomberg American Health Initiative
Reengage female opportunity youth by building onto an existing partnership with YO Baltimore and using a positive youth development framework
Center for Urban Families: The Impact Story Enhanced
PI: Williams, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Center for Urban Families
Funder: Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute
Enhance the Center for Urban Families’ capacity to more efficiently and effectively document the various ways in which their job readiness program, STRIVE Baltimore, impacts its clients

A library-based prevention intervention for adolescents affected by parental drug use
PI: Powell, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Enoch Pratt Libraries
Funder: NIDA (1K01DA042134-01A1)
Prevent substance use and sexual health risk behaviors among urban African American adolescents affected by parental drug use through partnerships with public libraries
Evaluation of Healing Cities Trauma Informed Training
PI: Powell, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Enoch Pratt Libraries
Funder: City of Baltimore
Evaluate the implementation of the Healing Cities trauma-informed training with Enoch Pratt libraries, and determine the extent to which training shifts the library culture from zero tolerance to human-centered conflict resolution.
Preventing Injury among Youth Affected by Parental Drug Abuse: A Human-Centered Design Approach
PI: Gielen, Andrea & Frattaroli, Shannon (CDC);
Powell, Terrinieka (Exploratory Grant)
Funder: CDC though the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy (R49CE003090)
Develop and conduct component testing on an injury prevention intervention that will provide youth affected by parental drug abuse with the knowledge, skills and networks to mitigate the potential negative outcomes associated with their parent’s drug abuse.

Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health
PI: Mendelson, Tamar
Community Partners: Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore City Office of Workforce development, Baltimore’s Promise
Funder: CDC (1U48DP005045)
Prevention Research Center committed to assisting urban youth in becoming healthy and productive adults
Community Schools Program
PI: Powell, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Commodore John Rodgers Elementary Middle School
Funder: Family League of Baltimore, Inc.
Serve as the lead agency for Commodore John Rodgers by tailoring their services and program to the needs of their community and identifying strategies for improvement
Evaluation of a MSDE 21st Century Community Learning Center PI: Williams, Terrinieka
Community Partner: Rice Youth Development Corporation
Funder: MSDE through Rice Youth Development Corporation
Evaluate the effects of the Dare to Dream Afterschool Academy on student attendance, achievement and interest in STEM careers
Implementation Evaluation of UChoose Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs
PI: Watson, Catherine
Community Partner: Baltimore City Health Department
Funder: Office of Population Affairs (Baltimore City Health Department)
Evaluate the implementation of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs in Title X clinics, middle and high schools
Partnerships with churches, libraries and community-based organizations are a cornerstone of our work. Learn more about our efforts in each of these spaces.
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